Fishing rods are one of the most important fishing gears that must be packed along with the tackle box. Even though it appears too long and sleek, moving and transporting it is not that hard to do. Yet, you just have to take proper care of it along the process to guarantee that the rod doesn’t get any damage while transporting. This is where the question on how to transport fishing rod in car arises.
Generally, fishing rods are too costly. They typically come in a long and easily breakable feature which eliminates them from holding weights over it. Below are some of the ways to transport fishing rod in a car. Check here if you want to move your rod in a proper and safe manner.
How to Transport Fishing Rod in Car: Packing the Rods
You are actually lucky enough if you already have a fishing rod case with you. This is actually a container specifically designed for transporting the fishing rods. But, if you don’t have it you may ask how to transport fishing rod in car. Basically, you have the option to buy them for about $20 to $50.

However, if you do not have enough budgets for it, you’ll need to follow the method for DIY packing. Luckily, it is not actually hard to pack fishing rods noted that you already have the appropriate supplies needed for it. In packing the fishing rod, here are the materials that you’ll need:
- Air-filled plastic padding
- Caps or packing paper
- Cardboard tube or plastic pipe
- Packing tape
- Scissor and saw for cutting
Generally, measuring the fishing rods from one tip to the other is an ideal way to have the proper size of the tube. Just make sure that you add some inches on it. Moreover, if you are dealing with multiple rods, take the length of the longest rod.
Step 1: Take off the reel
Actually, the tube or pipe is not that wide to handle the reel on the rod. So, the best solution for that is to remove the reel from it. It may seem an easy task to do as part of the way on how to transport fishing rod in car. Yet, it will be better if you will have to take your time in doing so that either the reel or the rod will be protected.
After the removal of the reel, it is actually time to wrap it around with plastic padding that is basically filled with air. Then, you need to box it afterwards. In case you have multiple fishing rods, it would be very helpful to put a label on the outer side of the padding to have an idea later on which rod the certain reel belongs.
You may actually bring the reel with you as it does not have any harmful parts that may impose any threat on the security of everyone inside the car. Moreover, trolling reels are generally big compared to others. This means that you need to put them on the check-in bag.
Step 2: Arrange the fishing rods
In case you need to group fishing rods together, it is actually better to go for those that have the same length. Using an air-filled plastic wrap, wrap every single rod separately. Make sure that the fishing rods are wrapped based on their entire length. Also, keep in mind that the end of the fishing rod is the most fragile part of it that basically needs additional protection.
It is actually helpful if you consider wrapping the fishing rods into two layers. Moreover, as part of securing multiple fishing rods, use a packing tape in keeping and securing them altogether.
Step 3: Secure the fishing rods
The next thing to do on how to transport fishing rod in car is to secure the fishing rods by sliding the already wrapped rods into the tube. Get an air-filled plastic padding or packing paper and fill the gaps over the top and bottom. Place some packaging chips or crumpled paper then you can insert the poles in a very careful manner.
This will generally ensure that the fishing rods do not easily shift as you transport it. Afterwards, attach the caps on the container or you can also use crumpled packing paper to make a barrier on the tube tip.
Step 4: Put the end caps
Afterwards, put the end caps on each side and use a tape to ensure them. In case caps are not available, you may try cutting circular pieces of cardboard and attach them rather. However, just guarantee that you cover it entirely with sufficient tape. You can put more tape if you opt for additional protection.
Best Methods on How to Transport Fishing Rod in Car
Fisherman and expert anglers know the challenge in transporting fishing rods from its place to the designated fishing area. Regardless of where you go fishing with your rod, the question lies behind the process on how to transport fishing rod in car in a safe and effective manner. However, the risk involved once you fail to do it properly may generally ruin your fishing activity. It generally takes more time and some of your cash to replace the damaged fishing rods.
Moreover, transporting the fishing rod also entails its theft protecting feature. Basically, most of the fishing rods cost around a thousand dollars making theft to attract into it and grab it. In order to prevent this from happening is a plan for a good set up to store and move the rod safely.
Lots of damage or loss rod issues do not actually happen while you are on the water. The typical occurrence of these scenarios may be observed during transporting into a vehicle. Basically, there are certain methods on how to transport fishing rod in car. Some of them come in safer options compared to the others and also there are few which has special considerations to take into account.
1. Fishing Rod Wraps
Generally, the rod wraps are crucial ways to bundle multiple fishing rods together to have an easier transit from one place to another. Wrapping around the rod base is one method on how to transport fishing rod in car that basically holds the fishing rods securely altogether. Even though the fishing rod wraps easily makes the transport of the rod, doing this method alone is actually not recommended during travel.
Basically, fishing rod breakage is great potential not just with a single rod but also with the other rods included in the wrap. When you transport a fishing rod in the car, the tips of the rod usually land on the center console of the driver. Sometimes, it may be within the reachable elbow-smashing distance. But, if moving numbers of rods quickly are what you aim for, then this rod wrap is a good choice.
2. Interior Roof Racks
One of the best methods on how to transport fishing rod in car is putting the rod on racks inside the car’s interior. This is actually a good choice to take the fishing rods while on your way to the fishing area. Bungees which generally span on the car’s width also hung up and get secured. Eventually, the fishing rods occupy the top of the bungees.

The said scenario permits you to place other fishing equipment or even passengers into your car without letting your rod to break. But, the only drawback that you might have to experience here is the rod length. Some fishing rods measure around 9 feet especially those that are designed for off-shore fishing. With this, transporting rod using the interior roof rack system may not be applicable.
The proper way of packing up the tackle box is an essential thing for many anglers. And regardless of the fishing spot they come into, fishermen always boast for their proper way of taking care of their fishing gear. Actually, a fishing rod becomes effective once it keeps its straight and sturdy feature. Once there are already bends and cracks, the rod pole’s integrity may be highly affected. Aside from that, it could also have the possibility to break under the pressure of getting a big catch.
Because of that, it is imperative to exert proper care to the fishing rod, especially on its way on how to transport fishing rod in car. Unfortunately, there are rod and reel combos that are easy to break and may be stored in cases that can toss in the backseat. Here are some important tips and proper way of tying fishing rods to the roof rack:
- Basically, remove the artificial lures on the rods. But, if it is only a hook, it is okay to keep it there. Just simply attach it to the eyeholes of one rod.
- Secure the tip of the fishing line over an eyehole.
- Bundle the fishing rods especially if there multiple rods. Make sure that the bundle is tight just beneath the reel with small bungee.
- Face the tip of the handle towards the front and put it generally on the side of the rack.
- Eventually, secure the fishing rod bundles to the roof rack by using two bungees to be attached on the front and rear side.
3. Portable Fishing Rod Storage Tubes
If you are still looking for the best method on how to transport fishing rod in car, the fishing rod storage tubes are a good option. Aside from giving protection to the rod over the vehicle, it also protects the rod from the water in long-term storage. Moreover, these storage tubes are also perfect for travelling by the rods on the plane.
However, using this and placing it inside the car may have the possibility to roll around if not properly secured. Always bear in mind that there should always be a tailgate down depending on the rod tube length versus the vehicle’s bed length.
4. Roof-Mounted Fishing Rod Tubes
Compared to the portable fishing rod storage tubes, the roof-mounted fishing rod tubes have lots of similarities based on the structure and design. However, they differ on the cylindrical tube that is attached to the roof rails. This feature generally reduces the requirement for tube security every time it is on a car or when leaving a tailgate down.
Moreover, it is also good for protecting the rod. Yet, this is not good for fishing kayak or on roof rail storage system. Aside from that, deciding to buy this product to transport your fishing rod is an expensive option. Luckily, there are lots of DIY methods that can be of great help in reducing the cost.
Generally, transporting the fishing rods in the car requires you to wait when everything is packed appropriately in place. Doing this will basically let you see the amount of space available inside the car that you can work with.

- Initially, recline the passenger seat on the front side of the car all its way down. Just make sure that there are no passengers anymore to get in.
- Put the rod containers in a lengthwise angle in a front windshield to back windshield position.
- Lastly, secure them using bungees.
5. Leave the Transporting to Someone
In case you find it hard to follow the methods on how to transport fishing rod in car, you may consider giving the responsibility of doing so to someone like transporting companies. Generally, a professional moving company has the ability to pack and transport your fishing rod in a very safe manner. There are actually reputable and trusted movers that you can find over the online list of moving companies. Moreover, you also have the option to allow them to do the packing as well by using their full service.
However, before digging into the project of moving or transporting your fishing rod, try to get quotes and compare it with at least a minimum of three different companies. This will generally help you to have a great deal. Additionally, don’t forget to mention that you are about to hand them the transporting of your fishing rod and observe if they have the knowledge and experience of moving the said fishing equipment.
Final Thoughts
The ways on how to transport fishing rod in car is not actually hard as it seems. In fact, there are various ways of doing it. It just depends on the type and length measurement of your fishing rod. Moreover, knowing the appropriate method of transporting the said fishing equipment may generally be a big help in protecting the rod and transporting it in a safe and effective manner. Yet, if it is still difficult for you to do that, there is also an option to hire a moving company that has enough knowledge of transporting fishing rod in the car.