Fishing is one of the great water activities that can be enjoyably spent with friends and loved ones. You can generally relax and have some time to get away from the stressors as you go fishing. But, it is highly important that you check on those fishing must-haves inside your tackle box like the fishing pole before you head out. If you are on a tight budget, you may consider trying the various ways on how to make a homemade fishing pole.
However, as you go into the market, you may find different varieties of fishing poles, tackles, and other fishing accessories. Each equipment involves distinct features that may enhance your fishing experience. Yet, opting for a homemade fishing pole is also another point of excitement here. Below, you may find 3 different methods in making a homemade fishing pole. Let’s check them out below!
Fishing Pole vs Fishing Rod: What’s the Difference?
Generally, there are lots of anglers that will probably say fishing rod rather than a fishing pole. This actually applies true for the novice or inexperienced ones who unintentional meant to say it. It is just that they do not know the exact difference between the two. And, the two already become a common jargon within the fishing world.
The difference between the two
Basically, a fishing pole comes from natural materials like bamboo, reed, and cane. Meanwhile, a fishing rod contains conventional composite substances including the boron, fiberglass, graphite, or Kevlar. Additionally, the fishing rod can also be made from the combination of all these materials.
Fishing Rods
The fishing rod is typically a long and flexible substance in which a pole is connected to the line where the tip most is a hook. There are actually different rod types and each one is intended for a certain kind of fishing. They also possess special features and functions.
- Fly rods – this is a type of fishing rod that is usually used for fly-fishing activity as they weigh less.
- Ice rods – it generally looks like a spinning rod but is a little bit shorter.
- Casting rods – handling heavier cover is the function of this rod type as it can also catch heavier fish
- Spinning rods – the difference of the spinning rod from the casting rod is that the previous one is generally lighter and smaller in size. Aside from that, they also differ in their usage.
- Surf rods – this rod is excellently long and permits heavy sinking
- Trolling rods – compared to other rod types, the trolling rod is generally longer and it gives emphasis on big game fish like the marlin and tuna.
Fishing Poles
Like the fishing rods, the fishing poles also have wide varieties. Yet, the best way to know which one to choose highly depends on the location where angler will do the fishing activity. The freshwater poles are far different from the saltwater poles.
- Freshwater poles – in this pole, both the reel and reel poles can be opened and closed. This fishing pole type includes the cane, catfish, crappie, and fly fishing poles.
- Saltwater poles – similar with the freshwater poles, this type of fishing pole also have different varieties which include the inshore, offshore, surf, and location fishing poles. They generally differ based on the type and weight of the fish that the pole can able to catch.
Making the Basic
Actually, there is a wide range of fishing poles to choose from available in the market. However, if you are on a tight budget, you can basically do your own in the comfy of your home. But, the question is how to make a homemade fishing pole?

Generally, a homemade fishing pole is one that comes from bamboo material together with nylon and a hook. It is a fishing pole that is usually light. So, with this, the way on how to make a homemade fishing pole is not really that hard yet somehow dangerous.
The steps on how to make a homemade fishing pole are actually easy and simple. You may find that the process is actually tiring as you go along but the end result will make you realize that it is really awesome.
STEP 1: Prepare the materials
Basically, the materials involved how to make a homemade fishing pole are very easy to find and also have budget-friendly options as well. Before you jump into the process, look and prepare for the following:
- Light bamboo
- Nylon
- Hook
- Optional materials: floater of any size and sinker or anything that is heavy
STEP 2: Clean the bamboo
After gathering all the materials needed, you need to smoothen the bamboo by sliding the knife from the tip of the bamboo going down. Generally, repeat this process until you come up with smooth bamboo. Smoothing the bamboo will basically clear out any sharp parts present in it that may probably harm you in the future.
STEP 3: Make the line
The next thing to do on how to make a homemade fishing pole is to put a line surrounding the bamboo. Initially, carve a small line and do the same thing over and over around the bamboo. The line measurement must be around 3 to 5 mm in order to support holding the fishing line within the bamboo.
STEP 4: Put the hook on
Eventually, you need to tie the fishing line within the hook. Do this by placing either a clip connector or a direct tie. You may also consider buying a tied hook and place it on the clip connector. Be very careful in doing this and just ensure that you will tie it the right way.
STEP 5: Attach the floater and sinker
Like what we’ve mentioned earlier, the floater and sinker are optional materials that you need as part of the process on how to make a homemade fishing pole. If you opt to include this, simply tie the floater and sinker by putting the sinker into the clip connector. Meanwhile, place the floater to the nylon at the same time.
How to Make a Homemade Fishing Pole of Small Size

One of the most essential fishing equipment that you need for your fishing activity is the fishing pole. But, the commercially available fishing poles in the market come in a long size and seem to be fragile making it difficult to carry around. Luckily, there is a way on how to make a homemade fishing pole of small size. Meaning, you can have a handy fishing pole that can even fit into your pocket.
STEP 1: Prepare the materials
The materials needed in the process on how to make a homemade fishing pole of small size are generally numerous. Check and prepare the following materials:
- Binder clip – small size
- Bolt – one piece of thin type
- Fishing line
- Hot melt glue
- Hook
- Nail, small – one piece
- Nuts – two pieces
- Pen
- Radio antenna – telescoping type
- Super glue
- Swivel
- Thin wire
- Washers, small size – three pieces
- Washers, medium size – four pieces
- Worm – optional
STEP 2: Make the handle and reel
After gathering all the materials, basically, get the pen and remove the cap, ink tube, and tip. Generally, use the pen’s body as the pole’s handle and the reel will eventually attach to it. Afterwards, pull the tip of the reel inside the pen’s body and continue pulling until it comes out from the pen’s body. You may also consider using pliers if you want.
STEP 3: Attach the pole
The next thing to do on how to make a homemade fishing pole of a small size is to glue the radio antenna inside the pen’s body. Initially, position the pen in a vertical position through vice or clamp on an open-end up. Afterwards, inject a little amount of hot glue inside the tube and push the antenna inside the tube quickly.
Place extra hot glue basically on the tube opening to guarantee that the radio antenna stays in place securely. Finally, take off the annoying spider webs which result from placing the hot glue.
STEP 4: Place the line guides
Usually, the standard sized fishing pole has a fishing line guide from the reel. This generally traverses from one end of the pole gearing towards the opposite end through few metal rings in which the line crosses. Using the very small washers, you will generally have rings on the small-sized fishing pole. Yet, this step on how to make a homemade fishing pole of a small size is a little bit tricky.
Initially, place a wire section via the washer and fold the wire at the center. This will basically form a V-shape at the bottom of the washer. Next, twist the wire to secure the washer into its position. Through the two straight tips of the wire, gently wrap them within the antenna and the washer in order to keep it in place over the pole top.
Lastly, place some super glue over the joint so that the washer will be attached permanently. Afterwards, do this step on how to make a homemade fishing pole of a small size repeatedly for the remaining two washers. Connect one washer into the tip of each section of the antenna.
STEP 5: Construct the reel
In order to construct the reel, you basically need to get a binder clip and the medium-sized washers. Lay the one piece of washer flatly on the table while you carefully place the binder clip over it. This step on how to make a homemade fishing pole of a small size aims to hold the hole of the washer in the center position within the wide top portion of the binder clip.
Moreover, connect the two pieces by using super glue or hot glue. Dry the glue on air and continue doing this step repeatedly on the other side of the binder clip.
STEP 6: Put the bolt
Afterwards, it is time to place the bolt into the reel in which the bolt serves as a spool within the fishing line. Moreover, the two remaining medium-sized washers will be used to assist the line as it goes along. On the open body, basically, place the binder clip as you squeeze the handles. Doing this will generally result in a parallel position of the two washers.
On the first washer that has been attached, place the bolt over it and slide the unattached medium-sized washers on the bolt. Afterwards, push the bolt through the other part of the binder clip. Basically, screw one of the nuts ensuring your work not easily gets damaged.
STEP 7: Make the handle
Making the handle is basically the easiest step on how to make a homemade fishing pole. Using a small nail, simply bend it in half. Eventually, connect it on one side gearing towards the second nut by using hot glue. Let the glue dry on air and afterwards screw it into the bolt.
STEP 8: Glue some pieces in place
Generally, part of the process on how to make a homemade fishing pole of a small size is to glue various pieces altogether.
- Basically, attach the binder clip handles into the body of the clip by using either hot glue or super glue to prevent the handle from moving.
- Also, place the two loose washers into the bolt through the use of glue so that it will not touch the handles of the binder clip. Yet, make sure that there is enough space between them in order for wrapping the fishing line around. Use the super glue and let the washer slide onto it.
- Moreover, put additional hot glue over the bent nail. Doing this will generally reinforce and fasten the two nuts together.
- Additionally, using glue, attach the two nuts to the bolt for them not to twist off during your fishing activity especially if it is a big catch.
STEP 9: Rig the pole
Generally, a fishing pole wouldn’t be complete without the presence of the fishing line and hook. Get the fishing line and basically tie one tip of it within the bold in between the internal sides of the two washers. Do not make things complicated here. Just simply make a regular double knot and it will basically do the job.
Below the bolt and outside gearing the end pole, pass the line carefully. Eventually, hold the line using your thumb and forefinger of the same hand. Meanwhile, use the other hand in spinning the handle on a clockwise direction until you have sufficient line on the reel.
STEP 10: Continue to rig the pole
After having a fishing line over the reel, let the free end of the fishing line to pass across all of the small washers. Eventually, tie it into the swivel through making a Palomar knot. Moreover, you can also attach some lures, hooks or spinners into the swivel if you want.
DIY Fishing Pole for Kids

Fishing is actually a fun activity that even the kids may truly enjoy. As they also do so, they need a fishing pole that is appropriately suitable on their grip. Luckily, you can make them a homemade fishing pole for kids using the procedure below:
STEP 1: Prepare the materials
Initially, you need to gather all of the following materials:
- Magnet
- Magnetic toys
- Paper punch – one piece of 3/4 inch
- Paper towel tube – one piece
- Ribbon or yarn – about 3 to 3.5 bigger than the length of the paper towel tube
- Small button
- Toilet paper tube – one piece
- Paint – optional
STEP 2: Prepare the cardboard
In doing a homemade fishing pole for kids, prepare the cardboard first by pinching the paper towel tube into two. Basically, fold the tube in half going into one end and insert an inch of it coming from the end into the paper punch. Just ensure that the punch is on the center and press it down hard to punch the holes.
Meanwhile, punch one piece of the hole on the center of the toilet paper tube. If you want, you can also consider painting the tubes.
STEP 3: Assemble
The assembling process is generally the most important step on how to make a homemade fishing pole for kids. When the paint dries out, poke one tip of the yarn into the small hole of the toilet paper tube. Afterwards, tie the button into the end that will keep it intact inside the toilet paper tube. Into one piece of the punched holes within the paper towel tube, basically, thread the other side of the yarn and allow it to come out from the other end.
Moreover, insert the toilet paper tube into the punched holes. In case you find it hard inserting the toilet paper tube, pinch it on the same manner that you do it pinching on the punch holes. Eventually, tie the magnet over the tip as it hangs from the paper towel tube. Lastly, reel and unreel the line through turning on the toilet paper tube.
And there you have it, a homemade fishing pole for your kiddos!
Final Thoughts
The methods on how to make a homemade fishing pole are not only important in giving you a budget-friendly option of having fishing gear. It is also a big help to make your fishing activity an enjoyable experience. In fact, fishing is actually fun and exciting especially if you have the complete fishing equipment with you. So, following the proper way of making your own fishing pole will be very advantageous on your budget and on your fishing activity.