Whether you are an experienced angler or a novice one, there will always come a time that you will encounter a tangled or twisted line. There’s no way for you to get away from it immediately. So, the best solution for this is to know the ways on how to keep fishing line from twisting. That way, you will successfully catch a fish without getting any hassle.
In this blog post, we will reveal different ways of keeping the fishing line from twisting. Aside from that, we will also show you the reasons behind fishing lines getting tangled. So, if you want to be guided well on your fishing session, just continue reading along.
Reasons Why Fishing Line Exhibit Twisting
Well, let’s face it; there will always come a time that we will be dealing with line twists in some situations like trolling. Even the most serious anglers may also experience line twists. But, before we employ the ways on how to keep fishing line from twisting, it is essential to have an idea of the reasons why the line twist occurs.
Here are the most common reasons behind the occurrence of fishing line twists:
For some time, playing off the fishing line via the bait runner reels may not be controllable. So, it is better if you consider restricting the amount of spool reel motion every time there is a run. Generally, the fishing line may create twisting once you exert bad habits over the free reel motion. These highly include the line wrapping over the distance sticks, putting of baits or rigs through a boat, and taking the fishing line to alter the rigs or baits.
Knowing that you may consider stopping such bad habits from doing. Always remember that in every spin of a free spool, it basically creates one twisting over the fishing line. And in a few sessions, twisting will be added up too fast.
For this reason, in order for you to keep fishing line from twisting, just simply open the bail arm located on the reel and let the line play out. The next thing is to make use of the backwind in case the reel has it. Usually, most anglers prefer its use by reeling the handle in a backward motion. Through that, the fishing line may have to play off the spool.

The way free spool motion causes fishing line twist, the same goes for this reason. Basically, the handle within the reel has been turned while the line is played out. This time playing out of the fishing line is by dragging doubles or triples of twists that have been put into the line.
Well, one of the good things to do how to keep fishing line from twisting due to this is to slow down a bit. Just enjoy the battling moment with the fish over the line. Allow the reel, the rod, and the fishing line to do their job once the fish pulls the drag.
If you noticed that the fish is already tired, you need to crank and reel in. Gently withdraw the fishing rod back and quickly reel in while you move towards the tip going downwards to the fish. In case the reel includes a back wind setting and you are really familiar with using it, better to fish through that way.
There are several issues that allow the terminal tackle to cause the fishing line from twisting. Check on the following ways how the use of terminal tackle adds up to the twisting of the fishing line:
- The fishing line may get twisted when you opt to use swivels having too large diameter than that of the mainline which has a smaller diameter. The line does not have the required strength to rotate the swivel.
- Well, who do not want to buy a cheap terminal tackle? It’s generally affordable. Although it’s tempting to buy one, you must have to avoid doing so. Using a cheap swivel may have the tendency to seize and may not work properly. Consider investing some bucks in buying high-quality terminal tackle.
- When you are not yet an experienced angler, you may opt to make the swivel as a stopper on a rig. However, this is one of the biggest mistakes that you might do and it will probably add more twist on your fishing line. Moreover, through this, the swivel is taken inside the in-line lead making it unstable to rotate and perform its job appropriately.
If you want to prevent the twisting lines from happening, you must have to use a premium terminal tackle. Just make sure that it matches with the fishing line that you are using. You can also try to put a bead or tail rubber in the middle of the rig and the leads when you are working with the rigs of a running or semi-fixed type.
The ideal way of placing the fishing line is to attach it into the reels in a similar direction that it takes off from the spool. Generally, it will result in more effort to reverse the twisting of the fishing line if its placement is done on a backward process.
Monofilament and fluorocarbon are two types of fishing lines that generally come with a single stand. Both have a slight line of memory which allows them to be more prone to twisting. So, the best solution for this is not to buy large quantities of fishing line that you would not able to spool within the fishing reels immediately.
There are types of fishing reels that contain too few spool sizes. Keep in mind that a smaller spool size will lead to more wraps within the line due to the placing of it on the reel. With that, it results in much more twisting of the fishing line.
In order to resolve this, you need to buy a fishing reel that has a bigger size spool. Those spool sizes will be of great help in reducing fishing line twists. Spools with bigger size are generally wider and longer that contains bigger bail arms.
Best Ways on How to Keep Fishing Line from Twisting
Having a twisted fishing line is actually a frustrating experience for many anglers. The good thing is that there are lists of strategies and techniques that you can employ to reduce the occurrence of line twists. Well, if you want to know how to keep fishing line from twisting, check on the following ways:
1-Focus on your fishing reel
When you are in the water and feel very excited about reeling and catching a fish, it is not actually difficult to ignore small details of concerns. But, good and experienced anglers always make it a habit to check on and focus on their fishing pole. This is especially done during their phase of fishing line retrieval.
In case you hear a click or flapping sound, immediately check on your rig. Or, if you notice that there is something not right, inspect for the possible pileup ahead of time. That way you will prevent the occurrence of experiencing trouble along the way by keeping the fishing line from twisting.
2-Utilize the appropriate fishing line
Well, this way on how to keep fishing line from twisting is too obvious and takes some common sense. Surprisingly, lots of anglers, especially the novice ones always commit the mistake of throwing off the inappropriate fishing line for their tackle. Even if most of the fishing lines are suitable for most types of fishing tackle, there are a few that generally works better with some fishing tackles.
Just take the following as examples. Spinning reels paired with a braided fishing line generally work better. However, if you tend to use monofilament or fluorocarbon fishing lines on spinning reels, some issues would probably occur. That may be due to the line memory. Also, do not forget the line size just as has been mentioned earlier.
3-Try not to completely full the reel spool

For some anglers, a full spool reel is highly advantageous. They have this thinking that having more lines will lead them to cover big areas of water. Aside from that, they also think that having more lines allows them to catch more fish. But, this is not the usual case most of the time.
In contrast, that would take the fishing line to get twisted or may fly off from the spool. With that, one way on how to keep fishing line from twisting is to avoid filling up the reel spool too much. Consider providing around a quarter inch of the spool displaying when placing the fishing line.
Obviously, you will able to miss more yards of the fishing line. Yet, the good thing about it is that you will able to decrease the possibility of keeping your fishing line twisted.
4-Place the line correctly
An important skill that anglers should have to practice and master is placing the fishing line into the reel in a correct way. However, most beginners in fishing usually neglect to spool the fishing line properly. This is more likely to happen when they are too much excited to set up their fishing tackles. Obviously, it leads to twisting or tangling of the fishing line.
Although every angler has their personal style in dealing with spooling the reels, it is generally important to follow the basic guidelines in doing so. This highly includes the threading of the fishing line within the rods and the utilization of the anchor knot in tying the line with the spool. Along with that, it is essential to know the ways of spooling the reel properly to avoid line twists.
5-Purchase a new fishing reel
Another good idea on how to keep fishing line from twisting is to consider buying a brand new one. This is most likely true for those who are still using an old reel for almost a year or so. The good thing is manufacturers are already taking into account the redesigning of the reel with the consideration of the decrease of the possible line twists.
Nowadays, newer models of fishing reels are available with rollers having grooves or sharp slopes, and those with larger surface area. With those features, the slack movement of the line will be eliminated. And, it also maintains the right position of the fishing line which prevents it from rotating around.
6-Expand the nylon lines
Generally, you will encounter more issues of twisting when it comes to the use of nylon lines for fishing. So, in order to eliminate this concern is to subject the nylon line to have a good stretch. The best way to do that is to hook the line into a sturdy object and pull the line using your hands.
Don’t forget to wear gloves in pulling the fishing line so you will prevent unnecessary cuts and bruises from occurring. Casting the fishing line constantly helps in expanding the nylon lines. Aside from that, you can also battle out with a heavy fish so that the nylon will also be stretching out naturally.
7-Make your nylon line ready
Some anglers are using the trick of soaking up the nylon line into the warm water prior to its use. That way, the memory line will get relaxed and will also aid in reducing the incidence of coiling, decreasing any problems related to the line, and an enhanced casting.
8-Check the fishing line for any twist before it gets worst
Sometimes, trolling is the reason behind line twisting. So, aside from sitting and waiting for the fishing line to get twisted, it is better to pinch the line every now and then. Do the pinching over the first-rod eyelet and take it back onto the reel seat. That would generally create a slack within the fishing line.
In case your line jumps up immediately and twists within the loops, reel the rig immediately. Inspect the swivel and the lures. Make sure to do this as you would probably lose the next fish if the twist is still there in your line.
Tips on Fixing a Twisted Fishing Line
Well, there will always be instances that twisting of the fishing line will still occur even if you are taking ways on how to keep fishing line from twisting. Fortunately, there are helpful ways that you can employ in order to fix the twisted fishing line once it occurs. Aside from that, the following tips and strategies will generally save you time and money.
Fixing a Twisted Fishing Line on a Boat
Sometimes, fishing on a boat is such a lucky and unforgettable experience. Aside from that, it is also the easiest way on how to keep fishing line from twisting.
- Basically, you need to cut the rig over the swivel and play more line behind the boat as necessary. Continue doing that until the fishing line discontinues from twisting.
- In case you already get enough line from those that came out, immediately pinch the line in the middle of the fingers and the reel within the free line. Always remember to wear gloves or use cloth in pinching the line so you will avoid line burn.
- Pull in the fishing line using the pressure of the fingers so that the twist will go down the line. That way will also help in spinning the loose end.
Fixing a Twisted Fishing Line Close to the River
This way of removing a fishing line twist is somehow similar to the boat method above. However, you can also use this when you are close to any fast running water.
- Cut the fishing line just over the rig.
- Allow the line to play out and let the current to flow it down the stream.
- It will automatically stop twisting if you have already an enough amount of fishing line. Just basically follow the similar steps with that of the above and reel the line in.
- If needed, do step #3 for about 2 to 3 times until the fishing line plays off freely from the spool without any twisting.
Fixing a Twisted Fishing Line within the Shore

Basically, the most important requirement for this method of twisted line removal is the large open areas. So, if you are going to fix a fishing line twist, look for parks or fields. Additionally, this technique of removing a twist on the fishing line also demands more walking.
- Initially, attach the fishing line on a tree, sturdy lead, or bank stick.
- On the reel, open the bail arm and walk backwards. Stop doing so once you observe that the fishing line stops twisting especially when it takes off from the spool.
- Go back to the area where you left the tip of the fishing line.
- Afterward, untie or cut off the lead and swivel it off until it leaves a loose tip.
- Once again, move on to your fishing rod and pinch the fishing line within a cloth.
- Reel the fishing line into it by using the pressure of your fingers.
- Repeat the steps above for about 3 to 4 times. Or, once you observe that the fishing line is not yet twisting.
Fixing a Twisted Fishing Line through Casting on the Shore
When you will be using this method of removing the twist of the fishing line, you will have to use PVA mesh or bags. Although this is quite expensive compared to the other strategies mentioned above, this will save you effort from walking.
- Create a bare line by cutting the rig over the swivel.
- Look for a rock that you can use for casting on a fair distance.
- Close one tip of the PVA mesh by tying it up.
- Put the rock within the mesh and also tie the other tip.
- Place the fishing line to one tip of the knot of the PVA mesh.
- Cast the rock on the farthest distance that you can and let the PVA mesh dissolve on a sufficient time.
- Using a cloth or gloves, reel the slack line again to maintain the line resulted from pinching of the fingers.
Moreover, this method is also applicable during tournament fishing especially when you forgot your spare reel spools.
Frequently Asked Questions:
A: There are many ways why the line produces twists. One of them is the inappropriate reel filling with the line. Usually, the reel under the spinning type must have packed with a side plate located on the line-spool on the front panel of the spool reel. Moreover, the line from the spool should have similar direction as it goes towards the reel.
A: If the fishing line is of monofilament type, better to submerge the fishing line in a container of warm water. Always make this a habit prior to spooling. Typically, soaking of the line would be better off for a few hours or up to overnight. You can also use a sturdy lead to guarantee that the entire line spool is below the water.
A: One probable reason for this is that the drag on the reel is not set on a higher level. In case the fish bites and pulls more amount of line out of the reel, there would be a creation of slack. That will eventually leads to loosening of the line that curl up.
Final Words
Twisted fishing lines will occur even the anglers is already an experienced one. That will most likely happened when the techniques on how to keep fishing line from twisting are usually ignored. So, make sure that you are always keeping those ways in mind as you are getting ready for that fishing tackle. For sure, you will lower the severity of experiencing this kind of unwanted fishing concern on your next fishing session.